Drive, Passion & Ambition
The late Mr. Oliver McGlinchey however, believed in Cathal’s drive, passion and ambition to succeed and offered to lend Cathal & Frances the £5000 they needed to close the deal, under the agreement that Cathal would pay it back on Credit Union terms over 2 years.
The loan was paid back in full to Mr. McGlinchey within 18 months.
Cathal says “It is safe to say, that O’Donohues bakery wouldn’t be here today without the help and good nature of the late Mr. Oliver McGlinchey who believed in us and to whom we are forever indebted to”.
1st April 1989, O’Donohues started to manufacture and supply O’Donohues Bread with a total of 3 staff: Cathal, his wife Frances and 1 other baker. “Use Your Loaf & Keep the Dough in Town”, soon became a popular slogan within the town and surrounding areas that many associated with O’Donohues bread and today, the bakery is located in a 26,000 sq. Ft manufacturing facility in Kilcruttin Centre and employs a hardworking dedicated team of 34 staff.
O’Donohue’s supply Dunnes Stores, Tesco, Supervalu and independent retailers in the Midlands with their premium hand-crafted Yeast and Soda breads that have been winning Great Taste Awards since 2008. The product range includes traditional favourites like the Sliced Pan, Batch loaves and Buttermilk Soda breads.
“There are no short cuts taken when it comes to producing our products. Using real, natural ingredients and allowing the right amount of “Time” for the dough to ferment is the key to achieving each of our products full flavour” – Cathal O’Donohue, Managing Director