A salad platter with an array of penny loaves

Irish Salad Platter

Nothing to be said here but… #IrishMammysSummerSalad


Penny Loaves
Thyme and Parsley
Butter Lettuce
Hard Boiled Egg (devilled)
Home Baked Ham with Grilled Pineapple
Poached Chicken slices
Ripe Tomato Slices
Vintage Irish Cheddar Slices
Cucumber Slices
Pickled Beetroots.
Potato Salad
Pickled Onions
Grated Carrot
Tomato Relish

  • Start by preparing the hard boiled eggs; Place the eggs into a saucepan that fits the eggs snugly then and add enough cold water to cover them by about 1cm. Bring the water up to boiling point then turn down to a simmer and put a timer on for 6 minutes As soon as they are cooked drain off the hot water. Then cool them rapidly under cold running water letting the cold tap run over them for about 1 minute, then leave them in cold water till they’re cool enough to handle – about 2 minutes. 
  • To peel them crack the shells all over on a hard surface and then peel the shell off starting at the wide end then cut in half lengthways.
  • Carve the roast chicken into thick slices, cut half the cheddar into thin slices and leave the other half in a nice chunk. Dish up coleslaw, relish, mayonnaise and potato salad. Then prepare the vegetables by slicing the cucumber on the diagonal and using a peeler to cut the carrots ito ribbons. Cut the beetroot into quarters and the the radishes into thick slices. Separate, rinse and gently dry the lettuce leaves and the cherry tomatoes. 
  • Create the platter by placing the bowls onto the platter then laying out the lettuce leaves and arranging all the other prepared ingredients on top and scatter over some snipped chives. Then serve with a selection of sliced and whole Penny loaves.
  • Tip: you could add some Shamrock and Sour Cream Keogh’s Crisps to give some real crunch to your platter.


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